- SINGAPORE SCHOOL OF FRONTIER MISSION — YWAM’s SoFM starts 3 July. Read more at http://ywam.antioch.com.sg . It’s a three-month lecture phase plus nine-month field internship. The entire program helping you develop skills in 1) language acquisition, 2) cross-cultural, 3) frontier survive, 4) teamwork and also 5) find a place of long-term service. The Singapore SoFM offers its internship at 6 entry cities and among 5 unreached peoples. You can see cost and schedule information at http://ywam.antioch.com.sg/schedule/#10 This is a secondary school with YWAM. A Discipleship Training School (DTS) http://ywam.antioch.com.sg/dts/ is required before taking this course. For more info, write <apocal59@pacific.net.sg>. </apocal59@pacific.net.sg>
- LOTS OF MISSIONARY STUFF ON ONE PAGE — Check out “The Mission Station” at http://www.missionaries.org . Billed as a “Gateway to Conserative Christian Missions on the Internet”, it’s filled with links, tips, and more. Well done, John!
- FREE EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP DOWNLOADS — Global University, the online home of the well-known ICI study materials, has launched a new site to offer evangelism and discipleship resources in a growing number of languages online. Their goal is 100 languages. All these downloadable study materials are free. It is a dynamic database driven site which users can search for individual lessons or entire courses. For instance, a search on ‘marriage’ brings up the course title ‘Marriage and Home’ and also suggests individual lessons from other courses. Many courses can also be accessed in audio, video, or online interactive formats. Print courses are available in Portable Document File (PDF) format and have been formatted to print out on both A4 and North American letter-sized paper. Check it out at http://www.globalreach.org . (Thanks for the tip, Tony!)
- GOT USED CELL PHONES? WANT CASH? — Then you’re in luck. An organization called CellFund.com is helping groups turn the 30 million used cell phones in the US into funds for their organizations and projects. The process could work like this. Contact your US supporting churches and ask them to help you by taking up an offering through the collection of used cell phones. The donor gets a $50-$100 tax deduction for the phone. The church ships the phones to CellFund (no charge for shipping) and CellFund sends the church a check for $7 per phone that qualifies. The church then sends that to you as an offering. Over 600 churches and organizations are using CellFund to raise money for their cause. There are no sign up costs, no literature costs, and no shipping charges. CellFund pays them all. All the church would need to do is go to the CellFund website, register, and start collecting phones using all the scripts, posters, etc. that are provided on the website. The website is http://www.CellFund.com . For more information email <info@cellfund.com>.
- GRAPHIC/CARTOON ART NEEDED — Jan <> writes training manuals that help Christian workers in developing nations to minister more effectively in their area of service. Jan would love to have illustrations in her materials to enhance learning, but standard clipart packages don’t fit the bill. If you’re a hand at drawing simple cartoons or illustrations that can add to understanding of written material, and you’d like to be involved in a vital outreach that has a wide potential influence, contact Jan. Or, if you can’t be involved yourself but know somebody who can, Jan would love to hear from you. She says many thanks in advance.
- HAITI: MUSIC TEACHERS NEEDED — The IMB needs volunteer Christian music teachers to lead a music training conference near Les Cayes, Haiti this summer. The dates (including travel days in and out of Haiti) are Aug 2-12, 2003. Choral directors, teachers of voice, piano, hand bells, guitar, music theory, music history and music composition are needed. The purpose of this camp is to train music leaders and potential music leaders for existing churches, new church starts, and for church planting. A major focus of the camp is on using music for evangelism and church planting. All students participate in composition of Chronological Bible Storying songs using indigenous Haitian musical styles.
- ASSYRIAN PORTRAIT OF JESUS — Audio Scriptures International in California recently added the Assyrian language to its list of over sixty languages in which their “Portrait of Jesus” recording is available. ASI recently filled a request for 1,000 cassettes and CDs of this new recording in the Assyrian language. The “Portrait of Jesus” is a beautiful arrangement of selected passages from the gospels. In one hearing the listener is introduced to the essential truths from the life and ministry of Jesus. Testimonials tell of many coming to Christ through listening to this audio portrait in their own language. For more information check out ASI’s web site: http://www.audioscriptures.org. or call ASI at 1-800-318-7262. Ask for Peggy.
- THE BOOTHS: FOUNDERS OF THE SALVATION ARMY — “William And Catherine” by Trevor Yaxley uncovers the struggles and persecutions the Booths faced and inspires believers with the legacy one couple forged in fighting for the downtrodden. Ideal for students, Christian educators, and social activists within and outside the church, this highly readable biography will inspire and challenge mission workers of all ages. YWAM’s John Dawson says the book is “Gripping…God used it to rekindle my own devotion to evangelism and discipleship.” For more information and an excerpt, see http://www.bethanyhouse.com . To order:
; tel. in the USA or via Net2Phone 1- 800-877-2665 or (616) 676-9185; USA Fax: 1-800-398-3111 or (616) 676- 9573 orders@bakerbooks.com> -
THANKS FOR JOINING PAYPAL — Thanks to Charmaine for subscribing to PayPal. (You’ll see a PayPal banner at the top of our home page: https://brigada.org.) We hope it’ll make it easier for her to send money across the Internet. And we *know* it’ll take us one *sliver* closer to paying for a Brigada secretary. Thanks!
Interested? For more information contact: <dianahaiti@skycasters.net> or <dianahaiti@yahoo.com> or contact the International Mission Board/SBC directly at 1-800-888-8657, in reference to Project Number: 64643 (Joyce Glover in the volunteers dept.) Information can be obtained at this website also: http://www.imb.org .</dianahaiti@yahoo.com></dianahaiti@skycasters.net>