- REPORT ON FILTERED ISP’S — Remember Chuck’s inquiry about filtered ISP’s that block access to offensive sites? He has finished his research and has assembled a *terrific* summary report. To see it live on the web, just log on to this Brigada edition, or click directly to: https://brigada.org/today/articles/filtered-isps.html or simply send an empty email to <filtered-isps@brigada.org> to obtain the 8K file.
- FINISHERS FORUM / ACMC NATIONAL CONFERENCE — These two organizations will have a single combined interwoven national conference this year in Atlanta, August 15-17, 2002. Early registration ends July 15. The Finishers Forum portion provides information, challenge and pathways for people to move into missions from their careers. The ACMC portion is jam packed with ideas and resources to assist churches toward excellence in missions. For full information or to order brochures, promotional and testimonial videos email <office@finishers.org> or visit http://www.finishers.org/events . </office@finishers.org>
- FOLLOW-UP FOR SOLAR-POWERED LAPTOPS — As a follow-on to our earlier item about solar-powered laptops, we thought we should point out that Faithe clarified that the devices mentioned in the item, “9) NEED POWER FOR THAT LAPTOP? TRY SOLAR!” (May 31st edition), are actually fairly low power. To recharge a laptop, one would probably need to link several units together. The wattage for a typical laptop runs about 35 watts. It would take over 15 of these things to power your laptop. Since that’s fairly expensive, Faithe found for us an alternative. For about $129-$450 you can get a portable 12V solar unit which will power a laptop. The price range depends on which laptop you have (how much energy it draws) and how much power you want from the solar system. See http://www.realgoods.com for more info. (Thanks Faithe!) I guess this is one case where we’ll for sure want to, ahem, ‘keep the Faithe’. :-)
- RETHINKING BIBLICAL WITNESS AMONG HINDUS — From September 6-8, 2002, the Rethinking Forum is sponsoring a conference on the Hindu- Christian interface from the perspective of the Rethinking Movement in Indian church history. You can hear scholarly papers on history, ministry, worship, and more. For more information contact <info@rethinkingforum.com> or view the conference program and registration form online at http://www.rethinkingforum.com . Everyone is welcome!
- LEAD KOREAN LANGUAGE CAMPS — Mission to Unreached Peoples is looking for servant hearts to lead Korean Language Camps. Participants must be strong in their walk with the Lord so they can be good witnesses to students. Students and teachers will have opportunities to develop relationships outside of class time. Housing and food will be provided by the school. Koreans who speak English are desired, but not necessary. If you want to see the lost won in Mongolia, you’re perfect for this opportunity [I confirmed — “Mongolia” is correct]! Inquire now at Mission to Unreached Peoples! Contact Jeff at 1-888-847-6950 or (206) 781-3151 or check them out at http://www.mup.org or write <mupinfo@mup.org>. </mupinfo@mup.org>
- OPPORTUNITY IN ROMANIA — FCA missionaries in Romania are looking for willing men, women, and families to come serve the Romanian people. Recently five tons of gospel booklets were given for distribution. People in hospitals are waiting. As well as orphans, street people and those in jail. For more info., contact <steveharrietracicot@yahoo.com> or log on to http://www.foca.org . </steveharrietracicot@yahoo.com>
- LIFE INSURANCE FOR MISSIONARIES? — Do you know of any LIFE insurance providers who are willing to insure missionaries? The risks associated with places like Central Asia or the Middle East disqualify missionaries from coverage by most major insurers. If you know of any providers who offer policies to folks going to odd places, please let Brad <bstoops@pactec.net> know. He’ll compile whatever resources he hears of and make the info available on Brigada Today. Please specify “Life Insurance Providers” as the subject header when writing. </bstoops@pactec.net>
- PREPARE FOR MINISTRY TO BUDDHISTS — The Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in Baguio City, Philippines is hodling its first annual Institute of Buddhist Studies October 28-December 6, 2002. Two 3-week modules will be offered this year. One module serves as an introduction to Buddhism and the history of the Christian mission to Buddhists. The second, taught by Alex Smith, veteran missionary to Thailand and OMF Northwest Regional Director, focuses on contextualizing the Gospel message for people with Buddhist backgrounds. Both undergraduate or graduate credit are available through APTS. For a pre-application form and more details email <alan.johnson@agmd.org> or you can call Alan in the USA at 425-277-9931 or APTS in the Philippines at 63-74-442-2779. </alan.johnson@agmd.org>
- ACTIONS AT THE 4TH TIE CONGRESS — The 4th Congress included the election of Dr. Danny Martin as the new International Director. His first order of business was commending and thanking the outgoing director, Mrs. Berit Helgoy Kloster, of Norway. Dr. Martin has proposed that TIE (an organization helping tentmakers) become a more service- oriented organization with it’s headquarters in Phuket, Thailand along with the Asia Center for World Missions. Ben Bester, former director and training specialist from South Africa’s Global Careers, has joined the Asia Center staff and will be responsible for TIE’s training information. TIE is planning to send out monthly news letters via email. If you are interested in receiving a copy notify <benjamin@asiacenter.ac> . The full story and list of resources in on the web: http:\\www.tieinfo.com . </benjamin@asiacenter.ac>
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