- MORE OPTIONS FOR EGROUPS — This week, there are even more options for those wishing to opt out of YahooGroups (maybe because you’re tired of seeing that wireless webcam ad with the girl in the police officer’s get-up?). Try using http://mojo.skazat.com . Mojo mail is a free PERL program that you install at your own web- server host. I thought it would be a hassle . . . and honestly, it wasn’t exactly *easy*. I went out and bought a PERL book for $20 so I could learn some of the code. It was my first exposure to it. I got through about half the book . . . then tackled it . . . and it maybe took me 4 hours to figure it out and get it working. There’s no charge for non-profit groups. (Thanks to Tim for the suggestion!) I’m still in “testing” mode. So far, for example, I’ve only figured out how to trigger email broadcasts via a web-mail interface (as opposed to sending an email to a trigger address). But hey… that’s a minor inconvenience. I have a feeling that once I’ve confirmed it all, *many* of our Team Expansion missionaries will want to shift to this approach. And it’s all free!
Another option, especially if you don’t have a web-host… or you don’t want to learn any PERL… use the Network for Strategic Missions at http://www.strategicnetwork.org . They’re now hosting over 100 groups with a grand total of 15,000 subscribers, free of charge, with no advertising at all.
- PRAYER & FASTING FOR KIDS — Here’s a lighthearted, fast paced seven-and-a-half-minute video narrated by kids for kids, ages 4-9, encouraging kids to fast and pray for other nations. The heart of the video is Isaiah 58’s emphasis on the poor and needy, and having a heart for justice. Many non-essential food items and approaches are suggested in a light touch, kid-friendly way.
You can order Prayer and Fasting for Kids, postage paid for $14.00 (US) on line at http://www.reignbridge.org using Paypal or you can write Joey and Fawn Parish, 540 W. Highland Drive, Camarillo, California USA 93010 or email <joey@gracebridge.org>. Don’t forget to tell them you heard about it on Brigada! </joey@gracebridge.org>
- THANKS TO NEWEST SPONSOR, EMERCY — Thanks to Joshua, of Emercy International, providing missionary resources via http://www.missionaryresources.org . Write
for more information, or see the website. Also, note his sponsorship has been posted at https://brigada.org/sponsor.html . Thanks Joshua!!! </josh@mcsnetwork.org> - CHURCH WEBSITES — There are more church sites than any other sort of Christian page. They have great potential for evangelism – but only if they are designed with this in mind. A detailed resource page sets out a range of strategies that are working successfully for many churches: http://www.web-evangelism.com/resources/church-pages.php
And it is possible to directly insert this content into your own website, just by copying a line of javascript onto one of your pages: http://www.web-evangelism.com/resources/churchpage-insert.php
- CAMPUS CRUSADE OFFERS TOOLBOX — The Evangelism toolbox CD-ROM, produced by the WorldLinc Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, contains, according to Campus Crusade, more evangelistic materials in more languages and from more organizations than any other known tool. In book form the contents on this disc would take more space than the Encyclopedia Britannica! It also contains material that is not available on evangelismtoolbox.com. All the materials on the CD can be printed, which makes it especially useful for sharing Christ with internationals stateside or for leaving with nationals when you or groups from your church go on overseas projects. It’s available for a donation of $2.95 from http://www.campuscrusade.com/Outreach_Strategies/etoolbox.htm . Quantity discounts are available for donors by contacting Janice Wells, WorldLINC, 100 Lake Hart Dr., MC 18-00, Orlando, FL 32832. Or you may call (407) 854-1361 (EST). (Thanks for the tip, Elaine!)
- NEW BOOK: “IN THE IMAGE OF GOD…” — This colorful book is about translation: God’s creativity translated in color, texture, form and daily life. Made in God’s image, people of all cultures and languages reflect something of His likeness. This wonderful book, filled with the paintings and drawings of 52 people, is available for only $11.95. To order, or for more information, please contact Wycliffle Bible Translators at <patty_perkins@wycliffe.org> or call toll-free 1-800- 992-5433, ext 3778 (407-852-3600 locally). Thank you.
- MINI-CD: “WHO IS HE?” — From WorldLINC, here’s a novel and brand new evangelistic tool (a mini-CD) the size of a business card! It’s called “Who is He?” and there’s no Christian jargon on the package. In a clear, interactive presentation (in 20 languages, by the way), it explains the gospel message. Moreover, interested seekers may contact a Christian Webmaster who speaks their language if they have web access. You can obtain one or more mini CDs for $2.75 each. Orders can be made online at http://www.campuscrusade.com/Outreach_Strategies/whoishe.htm . Quantity discounts are available for donors by contacting Janice Wells, WorldLINC, 100 Lake Hart Dr., MC 18-00, Orlando, FL 32832 or by calling 407-854-1361. (Thanks again Elaine!)
- WORK ALONGSIDE A JAPANESE — Here’s a very unique opportunity to work alongside an English-speaking Japanese pastor to reach the Japanese for Christ. You would reportedly have significant involvement in ministry activities including worship, preaching, and outreach activities. The church is established and has had prior missionary involvement. Married couples with children are preferred but all applicants will be considered. Inquire with Mission to Unreached People, via Jeff at 1-888-847-6950 or (206) 781-3151 or on the web at http://www.mup.org . Their email address is
. </mupinfo@mup.org> - NEW COMPUTER MANUALS FOR MISSIONARIES — The newly revised PC Seminar and Workshop for Missionaries Manuals have been posted and are ready for direct free download from http://www.missionarytechsupport.com/manual/index.html . Written by missionaries for missionaries, they cover everything from packing to field repairs. The manual now comes in two flavors: Windows ME/98/95 and Windows XP/2000. Be sure to check out the rest of the MissionaryTechSupport.com website for downloads and helpful troubleshooting. If you’d like to submit a tip or story about computers on the mission field send a note to Shawn at <snsparrish@missionarytechsupport.com>.
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