How does IMB handle feedback about people groups?

IMB is grateful for thoughtful, well-sourced feedback received from our partners. Such feedback increases the quality and accuracy of the Church Planting Progress Indicators (CPPI) people group list and is essential for sharpening the information we supply to those involved in strategic engagement, discipleship and church planting around the world.

IMB acts on all partner feedback about the CPPI within 60 days as follows:

1. Global Research

  • All feedback is routed to the Global Research Information Center (GRIC)
  • The Analysis Services Team (AST) takes the following actions in regard to partner feedback:

o   If feedback does not provide a well-sourced, clear recommendation for change, AST contacts the sender for further details.

o   If feedback provides a well-sourced, clear recommendation for change, AST forwards the feedback to an affinity Strategy Research Associate (SRA).

o   Specific information is needed when suggesting that a people group be added to the list. (See attached “How do I recommend that a people group be added to CPPI?”)

2. Field (IMB Strategy Research Associate, IMB Cluster Strategy Leader, and Other Partners with Firsthand Knowledge)

  • After review and in consultation with field partners, the SRA:

o    Makes the suggested change to the CPPI database.  A comment is entered in CPPI to note the nature of the change, or

o   Does not make the suggested change to the CPPI database.  A comment is entered in CPPI to note why the change was not made.

3. Global Research

  • If feedback has not resulted in a decision by the field within 45 days, the Analysis Services Team will remind the SRA that a decision about the feedback is due within the next 15 days.
  • If feedback has not resulted in a decision by the field within 60 days, the Analysis Services Team will act on behalf of the field as noted in #2 above.
  • When a decision is reached, GRIC will communicate the decision to the person who provided the feedback.