As a result of Heritage Baptist Church’s (HBC) desire to provide quality member care as well as accountability among their missionary families, HBC has developed the Missionary Debrief and Evaluation Tool (MDET). Below is a blank copy of the MDET and a cover letter that is similar to one which goes out with the MDET. Typically, the Global Ministries pastor and his wife sit down with the missionary husband and wife on the field for two 8-hour days to go over each MDET. This is done on a 4 year schedule. The purpose of this evaluation is not simply to gather a metric. Rather it is an opportunity to gather an understanding of how the missionary is spiritually, emotionally, and physically. These materials are being provided because some expressed interest in various parts of this material. These materials are free for you to use and distribute, however you, nor anyone else, may charge for any part of the materials. Anything distributed should include this statement:”This is used and distributed freely from Heritage Baptist Church, Lynchburg, VA ( These contents may be redistributed if done without a charge. Contents may be modified for your church use.”
Pastor Allen
Heritage Baptist Church
Dear partner,
Over the years, the pastors, the Missions Selection team, and various church members have periodically mentioned their desire for measurement, accountability, and focus on what we do in missions with our individual missionaries. They have likewise expressed a genuine concern about how well our missionaries are doing as individuals that we desire to minister to and shepherd. Therefore, after considering options, in September 2009 I went to a week-long seminar in St. Louis on “Mission’s Metrics”. I later involved the Selection Team and received copies of evaluation forms used by several agencies (including multiple different forms from same agency), our missionaries that have completed for churches/agencies/etc., and other research on the web. A task force from the Selection Team was formed which then worked diligently for well over a year. The entire Selection Team had a couple marathon meetings to discuss and finalize the content. This email is to solicit your involvement in completing one of these Missionary Debrief & Evaluation Tools.
Early in the process, it was decided that we want to know more than just what our missionaries are doing; we especially want to know how they are doing. Therefore, the tool opens with a section for debriefing with our missionaries. Because we are about church planting movements (CPM), a section was added at the end to evaluate what is going on around our missionaries in the realm of CPM. They then answer what they could/should do to enhance CPM, as well as if there is anything they should stop doing that may hinder CPM. I am convinced that when done properly, our missionary does not feel threatened but rather greatly encouraged, and we all have better understanding as to what is happening, what could happen, and what should happen.
This tool has already been beta tested with several of our missionary families. Robin and I were absolutely amazed at how helpful this Missionary Debrief & Evaluation Tool has been in ministering to our missionaries! What a blessing it was to see it open conversation and be used by our Lord. Our missionaries were appreciative of the tool and seeing that it was not threatening to them, all spoke highly of it and the process. Note that the process is not a short one, it requires 4-6 hours to complete the tool (husband and wife should EACH complete the MDET separately, then each submit by email); then we spend a minimum of another 6-8 hours together to discuss the contents in a face-to-face setting (good to break into 2 half-day sessions, starting early so that it can go longer in the day if needed).
The plan (as it stands now) is to do this in its entirety with our sent missionaries every 4 years, then to annually utilize an abbreviated form (still being developed) facilitated by Skype or email. Our supported missionaries have a variation of the form utilized as their primary accountability is not to us (I did still beta test this with one of our supported missionary families who received it well and appreciated the benefit received from the conversation).
I said the project was completed, though in reality it will probably be tweaked until the rapture. The current version is attached for your completion. I would be very interested in your input as to how this tool could be enhanced to better accomplish its purposes. Thank you, I look forward to receiving back from you and discussing with you.
With you, serving Him,
Allen W.
As directors of member care for our organization, we are always looking for new “tools” to help our missionaries.
We are interested in learning about your debriefing and evaluation program.
We had just been saying in the Ministry Center that this was one of the next steps to take in missionary care and the next day an answer arrived in our inbox. Praising God for this tool to begin the conversation.