OK – ‘Fess up. Which Christmas gift meant the most to you? (Feel free to write anonymously if you prefer. We here at Brigada won’t breathe a word of your identity!) Did you receive something you had been wishing for? Don’t forget to tell us why it’s special. If you’ll use it for Him, please include that too. Thanks in advance for sharing.
6) Which Christmas Gift Meant the Most to You – and Why?

It was my privilege to purchase 14 goats this Christmas in the names of our families. And give them to families in need. Let me explain: A number of years ago as our family got larger and larger (now 70+ members), we realized it was sheer nonsense to try to purchase gifts for people who already had more than they could appreciate! We decided that by the time our grandkids (and now great grandkids) turned ten years old, they could begin to understand that it is “more blessed to give than to receive”. So, for those ten and older, my wife and I search for a gift that “keeps on giving”. This year we were able to purchase 14 goats with the amount of money we would have spent on our family members over 10. I remember a conversation I had with one great grandson. He turned 10 in October of that year. I wanted to gently remind him that he had “graduated” from receiving to giving. I eased into the subject. He saw where I was going and he said, “Gramps, I know. I have been waiting for this year to come. I can now give!” ’nuff said! ~~~~NEAL
Having just overcome Covid, God’s gift of health will always be greatly appreciated and used for His kingdom.
These are great responses, Neal and Larry!