Kelly O’Donnell & Michele Lewis O’Donnell have spent much of the last year editing a new member care book called, Global Member Care: Stories and Strategies for Staying on Course. It will be released on September 24. They’ve been kind enough to provide Brigada readers with a discount code — but it will only work until the 24th. To order, just click to and use the code, PREGLOBAL25 [edited on 9/4: Kelly was sorry to say that he included the exclamation mark by mistake, so we’ve removed it here; please pardon the inconvenience.]. This collaborative book features 20 chapters full of stories, strategies, reflections, and resources from member care and mission colleagues around the world. The 43 authors and nine consulting editors provide a distinctive, directional platform to listen to and learn from our field’s global voices as we reflect on good member care practice in the context of challenging global issues, inspired by the vision to see member care develop globally—for all peoples and from all peoples.