Your reflections on Evernote (and other note-taking solutions) were awesome last week in the item, “10) PUT ALL OF YOUR RANDOM FACTS IN A NOTE FILE (EVERNOTE?).” (If you add any additional comments, please do add them in the same thread at It’s clear to see that note-taking software features are very personal. Finding the right note-taking application requires users to prioritize features like…

  • Reasonably-priced (which turned out to be super-important to some of our users)
  • Intuitive user interface and ease of use
  • Ability to “own” the data (rather than trust it totally to a subscription in the cloud).
  • Ability to utilize the data on multiple platforms (e.g., Mac, Windows, smartphone, tablet

Of course, your rubric for making a decision might be different. What feature(s) do YOU look for in putting together a “grass-catcher note file?” (Remember – please use the URL above to comment – so we keep them all in one place.)