This past week, while traveling in Southeast Asia, a movement catalyst shared the view of his laptop screen. He had used GenMapper to represent the 200 groups he was shepherding (through the implementers he was training). To him it was simple: “What we care about, we measure.” Boy. Could we not learn from this guy? How many of us let our tracking get away from us, and, with it, our attention to detail. The next thing we know, we’re *not* coaching our fellow disciple-makers to the max – because we can’t “see” where they need help. In this day and age, with the kindness of fellow-workers who have shared their programming skills with the world, cost is no longer a factor – because these tools are free. For example, check out the tools that this guy was using (in Southeast Asia) at Another implementer didn’t have any way to measure, so we also showed him Disciple Tools (, which can also work as a CRM – and a coaching mechanism. Both of these options display generational growth quite well. Which one would *you* prefer? .. or do you prefer another?
10) How Do *You* Track Generational Growth?

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