Geoff Whiteman, Director of the Valeo Research Insitute, has just released a brand new book that he co-authored entitled, Essentials for People Care and Development. A collection of best practices, research, reflections, and strategies. Finding, sending, and caring for global workers has grown increasingly complex for sending organization’s leaders and staff. The global worker community is more multicultural, and global crises seem to be more frequent. We can no longer make the same assumptions about shared values, which can open the door for legal difficulties. We all want to see staff thriving and serving the kingdom to their full potential, but how can we support that? In this book, you will be able to dig deeper into these fundamental issues and more. Pick one up today at
Is this available in Kindle version? ePub or whatever for electronic access for missionaries (who cannot be carrying round a library … ahem!). Would be interested if available in electronic format. Thanks.
We just bought a copy–thank you editors and authors!
And thank you as usual Brigada for helping to keep us informed.