Have you ever noticed – there are no Google ads on Brigada’s website or in our emailed editions of Brigada? That’s because we believe ads would cheapen the content… make it seem a bit mercenary. Besides, the truth is, we’d try our best to pass along good resources, trends, and missions information anyway. Why should we ask people to pay for something we value so much ourselves!? At the same time, we do run Brigada on a dedicated AWS server with quad processing and 24/7 techs managing things at all times. We also cover the costs of a part-time assistant, and pick up subscriptions for multiple services for thousands of Brigada subscribers. Not everybody can afford to pitch in, but that’s ok – because it seems that God moves others to pitch in for two. If God ever prompts you to help undergird Brigada for any amount, large or small, just click to https://brigada.org/empower-brigada. Thank you for your shared vision and partnership.