This past week, a Brigada participant wrote (Let’s call him “C”), asking if we knew of any “Christian halfway houses that specifically minister to traumatized returning foreign missionaries?” Turns out that C has “a friend who is a former missionary. He is in bad shape. He needs deep help. Tropical diseases have left him with chronic pain. To deal with the unrelenting pain he has turned to drink and substance abuse. His wife and kids have left him. My friend needs to get checked into a Christian recovery center that can help him physically, mentally and spiritually. Thanks for whatever you can share.” If you know of a center like this, would you be so kind as to click Comment and share it please? Thanks in advance for any help. “C,” we are pausing right now to pray for your friend.
6) Help “C” Find a Healing Place for a Hurting Missionary

Link are in Fresno, CA. They have a campus with small apartments and LOTS of counseling and accountability. Highly recommend.
Shall be praying for this whole situation. It is tragic
I second the Link Centèr
Check out Dunklin Memorial as well. I have known staff there, as well as graduates from their programs who were greatly impacted and lives transformed. Their approach to recovery is also used internationally with materials translated into many languages now. .
You also could church out the recovery church movement. It was started by an alum at Palm Beach Atlantic University.
Ughh typos…”check” out I meant to say.
Mike Wilcox is in private practice in the Orlando, FL area and is a wonderful counselor who specializes in substance abuse recovery.
Turning Point Ministries in Holtville, CA – have heard a testimony of a man with radical encounter with the love of God there!
The friend can search “infectious disease physician” on Google Maps. and could be helpful to look into. Praying for your friend.
America’s Keswick Colony of Mercy in New Jersey would be an excellent place to heal from the addiction, unless he needs on site medical care. addiction
I asked a friend who is a Christian psychologist and this is who he recommended.