You all will laugh, I’m sure. For years (decades, actually), I (Doug) have been searching for the perfect note-taking app. I’ve gone through phases when I *thought* had finally found it, only to discover loose ends (“gotchas”) that I hadn’t anticipated. At the end of a very long list of Asana, ClickUp, Coda, Evernote, Joplin, GoogleKeep, Mem, Obsidian, OneNote, Roam Research Taskade, WorkFlowy, Notion, NoteJoy, and a million other options (yes, sorry to say, I’ve installed and, in most cases, used all those and more), I’ve finally settled on what I think is a perfect fit for me (drum roll): Craft. You can learn more about Craft here… (Note: We receive nothing from Craft. We’re not affiliated marketers for ANYthing. We never will be. If we share a favorite approach in Brigada, it’s because we really do love it — not because someone pays us to say so.) You can also make lots of cool comparisons here: Why Craft for me? First, it’s fast. Second, it’s multi-platform and it syncs nearly instantly between them all. Third, it’s secure. End-to-end encryption. Encrypted at rest. Fourth – and this was important to me – it saves files locally so I can use the app offline when I’m away from internet. During field visits (when I need access to notes), I need offline capabilities. If I can’t search it offline (without wi-fi), this is a deal-breaker for me. Fifth, it’s affordable. Sixth, it has the capacity to grow if I need/desire to add multiple users later. Seventh, I can choose individual pages to serve up as public web pages — instantly. Eighth – searching is incredibly fast, even with larger databases. (I have thousands of notes from over the years.) Ninth, the layout is just gorgeous – and it makes sense to me. Finally, tenth, the AI that they’ve incorporated (and it’s GREAT AI) doesn’t track you and doesn’t go into some advertising model. Craft is the real deal.

How do I use a note-taking app? I use it to capture every little stray bit of life that comes at me. I save loose facts and quotes (which later help generate story ideas). I track meeting minutes, plans, projects, and dreams. I jot down virtually everything I can – and that way, it frees my mind of the stress of having to remember everything. Note-taking rocks.

Do you use a note-taking app? If so, which one have *you* settled on. If you haven’t already settled on something, we highly suggest you consider Craft. You won’t regret it.