At long last, someone has cracked the code. For over a decade, movement researchers have been complaining about the fact that, although there are literally over 1800 disciple-making movements (DMMs, otherwise known as church-planting movements or CPMs) in the world today, only a handful (essentially, practically none) were to be found in all of Europe, North America, and Oceania combined. But finally, we have a rapidly-growing movement to celebrate. (To hear “live” firsthand testimonies and narrative, as well as to interact with the participants in breakout room Q&A sessions, just register for free for the online conference, MultiplyUs, by clicking to In this item, we’re most interested in asking for theories about the “why.” What’s your take on why it took this long to crack the code? This movement has seen over 600 groups established — right here in North America — over the last 3 to 5 years. What is it about the West that makes it so hard to multiply? Please click “Comment” and voice your theories. Obviously, none of these can be scientifically tested, so these are just opinions. So — what’s yours?
10) Finally: A Rapidly-Expanding North American DMM

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