Once a year, Brigada asks friends to pitch in to cover the costs of web servers, tens of thousands of email distributions, and the part-time costs of a publishing assistant. The truth is, if everyone reading this pitched in $4, we would be done in one single request. For the price of one single cup of Starbucks – that’s it. But the truth is, many of our readers are mobilizers in places where credit cards are much harder to obtain. Would you want to pitch in on their behalf? So far, friends of Brigada have pitched in $6950 toward 2022’s operating budget of $17,000. That means only $10,050 remains. Would you want to pitch in the $50 to round it down to $10,000? Has your company or church been so blessed that you would want to pitch in the remaining $10,000? It’s in your hands. It’s easy: https://brigada.org/empower-brigada. Or mail a check to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Dr., Louisville, KY 40299. In advance, we give you thanks!!!