By now you’ve probably heard that, on Sept. 8, the Southern Baptist International Mission Board (IMB) announced a new requirement that all their workers would need to be vaccinated. The rationale they gave does seem to make sense: Many of the countries in which they serve are already requiring vaccines anyway. But still… what has your org or what have your partners elected to do? If you have an opinion or a suggestion, please click comment and let us know. We truly want to make good decisions that protect both health and workers’ futures.
7) Should Your Org or Your Partner Be Requiring the Covid-19 Vaccine?

I disagree with an org requiring it—and I’m going to a country that DOES require it. My org doesn’t require it, and if the country hadn’t required it, I wouldn’t have gotten it. If the country requires it, there’s no need for an org to require it. That’s redundant. If a country doesn’t require it, why would you require the worker to get it?
There are *some* countries that require yellow fever vaccinations. Does that mean that ALL IMB workers need to get a yellow fever shot just because *some* countries require it?
I agree with B. There are valid Biblical reasons for not getting the vaccine, and each person needs to be able to make his own decision. I’m watching my chances of going overseas again fade away because I CANNOT get the vaccine due to a drug allergy and a medical condition.
I strongly disagree with an org requiring it. The science is NOT clear on this, there are ethical issues (fetal tissue used in development), there are very clear risks. If the host country does not require it (ours does not) why force missionaries to do this? Very wrong. There are also conscience issues regarding why governments are pushing this so strongly, many would say it is clearly not seeking the medical good, otherwise, those post-covid with natural immunity would not be encouraged to take the vax. This move by IMB greatly saddens me.
M, What are the biblical reasons?
Some Christians are opposed to abortion and aborted baby tissue cells were used in the testing and development of ALL the vaccines. Johnson and Johnson openly admit to having aborted baby tissue in their vaccines.
Some substances in the vaccine (Polyethylene glycol (PEG), Graphene oxide, spike proteins) are possibly harmful to the human body and the Bible tells us that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and as such, should be kept pure. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” (1 Cor 6:19)
Also According to Dr. Peter Mccullough, the vaccine manufacturing companies either skipped all
the required testing or chose not to publish the results of their testing. These vaccines damage the ovaries
and thousands of people have already died directly from the covid19 vaccine making it one of the most
lethal medical products on the market today.
1. I appreciate your concern for life!. Many of the everyday medicines and vaccines that people regularly use have been developed over the years using decades-old fetal cell products. Unless you are intentionally and radically looking to avoid those, you will use them also. Not condoning it, just stating it. It’s easy to research. According to your criteria, It is no less unbiblical to use those than this vaccine.
2. Your second one about harming the body. Drink coke? Use Ibuprofen? White Sugar? Deep fried chips? The “possibly harmful to the body” argument does not work since we spend a good part of our day doing that.
3. Skipping testing is not a biblical idea. It may be a reason to not like/trust the vaccine….but it is not a biblically-based idea.
For many years my wife and I would not use products that were associated to any degree with abortion. It began to be impossible to track all the funders (most major food companies), associated companies, associated medicines and drugs. Truly, you use them every day (unless you have made it a huge, life goal to avoid).
My wife just came back from the sidewalk in front of an abortion clinic offering hope/help to young women. We have been doing that in several states and countries for nearly 40 years.
Craig’s response is the best and most comprehensive and accurate response of those responding thus far. Very well worthwhile to heed.
Leave it up to the individuals. If the receiving country requires vaccination, then individual missionaries will have to make that decision.
When you say “There are valid Biblical reasons for not getting the vaccine,” that sounds like those who took the vaccine defied Scripture. And when you say “reasons” (with an s) it sounds like it is abundantly clear.
That would, of course, mean that our friends at the IMB (and hundreds of other mission organizations and church that have urged people to vaccinate) are all defying an abundantly clear mandate from Scripture.
Is that what you meant to say?
It is true the Christians who took the vaccine already were probably not aware of these Biblical issues when they took the vaccine. They acted unwisely. IMB is also acting unwisely. Some Christians are opposed to abortion and aborted baby tissue cells were used in the testing and development of ALL the vaccines. Johnson and Johnson openly admit to having aborted baby tissue in their vaccines.
Some substances in the vaccine (Polyethylene glycol (PEG), Graphene oxide, spike proteins) are possibly harmful to the human body and the Bible tells us that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and as such, should be kept pure. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” (1 Cor 6:19)
Also According to Dr. Peter Mccullough, the vaccine manufacturing companies either skipped all
the required testing or chose not to publish the results of their testing. These vaccines damage the ovaries
and thousands of people have already died directly from the covid19 vaccine making it one of the most
lethal medical products on the market today.
We can easily find articles about this. This is a Christian Post article quoting a Christian pastor (now dead from Covid) saying the same things you said. That is here.
The above article references HLI (Human Life Int’l) certainly one of the hardest core pro-life groups.
A Houston TV station wanted to verify this and said, yes they are used in the development/testing, but not in the vaccine directly.
If you watch that news clip, please notice that specialist doctor that affirms this, goes on to say that these cells from the 70’s were used to develop most vaccines: chickenpox, shingles, hepatitis A, rubella, rabies…..
The Charlotte Lozier Institute lists about 20 vaccines (many that are commonly used) that use these 70’s cell lines. If you do a little research you will find that these 70’s cells are used in lots of everyday products. I’m not defending it, just letting you know.
This is why my family and I don’t take any vaccines at all. We trust the immunity that God gave us rather than in the vaccine companies.
steveb, no, that is not what I meant to say at all, and if it came across that way, then I most humbly apologize. Please allow me to try again. Those of us that have reasons to not take/not trust/not want the vaccine often have reasons that we can back up by using Scripture. For example, for me to take the vaccine when I know I have an allergy to one of the main components would not be medically wise but would also not be mindful of the fact that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and that intentionally taking a drug that would likely put me into anaphylactic shock would not value the life God has given me. Even if I did not have this allergy, there are enough other concerns about the safety of the vaccine that I would not put my health at risk by taking it–and I do feel that there is more risk than there is benefit. For those of us that feel strongly about not using vaccines created by using aborted fetal stem cell lines, it would be a violation of conscience for us to do so. Some Christians may feel that these arguments are not sound, as overhere mentioned above. Others may understand the argument but may feel that it is not “a hill to die on.” However, Christians with these objections honestly feel that they would be violating their consciences by taking the vaccine and would use Scripture to back up why they feel they cannot take it. Is it an “abundantly clear mandate from Scripture”? No. There is no “Thou shalt not take the Covid vaccine” command. Paul was sensitive to the fact that Christians can vary in what types of behaviors they find acceptable (sacred days, eating meat–Romans 14:4-8). For that reason, I do not believe it is right to mandate that everyone get a vaccine when people may very well have a Scripturally valid reason not to do so, and in fact, mandating them to get a vaccine that they do not feel is right for them to get will make them stumble.
That you (in particular) would be harming your body because of an allergy, I think everyone would understand that situation! That cannot be transferred to others and it not necessarily “biblical,” just good sense.
You go on to say that you, “feel that there is more risk than there is benefit.” That is of course your opinion. The Internet allows all of us to find specialists saying just about whatever we want to find. Many, many Christian organizations have said the contrary to your risk idea. That also would be easy to find if a person was looking for that (and not looking for a reason to be against).
As far as the abortion connection, I think Overhere covered some of it. I think the point there is that abortion-assisted medicines/ vaccines/ products are everywhere (and have been for years) and we use them all the time. I dislike that, but it takes (like Overhere mentioned) a significant, continual effort to stay on top of that. And most people don’t even try.
I find it ironic that now that there is an anti-vaccine bandwagon to jump on, everyone is suddenly concerned about “the abortion factor”. Many Catholic, pro-life groups have whole websites showing the long list of products that have benefited from the abortion industry….but I don’t hear the outrage against those.
As Overhere says, these products should all be campaigned against by the people using that argument.
The Internet is making us weird, and polarized. We all go there to find the “proof” we want.
I’m just gonna guess here, but if you and Craig spent as much time researching the positive ideas that many Christian medical and spiritual leaders say about the vaccine, as you do the negative side (Internet again!) you could easily make the argument in favor of the vaccine.
I believe the initial comment section for this was asking whether we believed that it was right for an organization or partner to require the vaccine. I don’t believe it was ever intended for this to turn into a pro or anti vaccine debate. There are plenty of those debates going on elsewhere on the internet! My responses–both the initial one and the one in response to steveb’s question–were attempts to answer that question. Can we please stick to the topic at hand?
(This comment is meant in a generous, gentle way. No anger, nor hostility (not even frustrated) here. Unfortunately, written communication does not convey tone.)
Steveb, I find your line of reasoning so polarizing and indicative of the whole problem around trying to have any sort of discussion about CV Vax and choice.
I do not read M, nor craig’s responses as saying “no one should get the CV vax” or “you are sinning if you take the vax” etc.
I read their comments under the thread of “should people have a choice?” Yes, they should have a choice.
You come across as a CV Vax zealot when you go on to assume that because people have doubts and concerns, they are getting bad information. (You even state that m. might have a valid reason! (allergy)) Your attitude betrays a religious attitude toward the science of Covid and vaccines.
You even state “The internet is making us weird, and polarized.” ….. but I read you as the one doing the polarization? I do not read M, nor craig as trying to force someone into their view point and say that “no one should get the vax.”
Quite the opposite. They are advocating thoughtful, personal, choice. You are the one speculating that they must be misinformed and anti-vax as a result.
Whose comments are polarizing?
Dear C,
M said there “are biblical reasons to not….” I asked if that meant that other people were acting unbiblically. I asked for clarification since that is a strong (“polarizing”) statement usually used for things the Bible is clear on.
Craig said,
“It is true the Christians who took the vaccine already were probably not aware of these Biblical issues when they took the vaccine. They acted unwisely. IMB is also acting unwisely.”
That polarizes believers into wise and unwise.
Craig also said (brackets added by me),
“These vaccines [may] damage the ovaries and [some claim that] thousands of people have already died directly from the covid19 vaccine making it [possibly] one of the most
lethal medical products on the market today…”
Certainly not everyone agrees with Craig’s very polarizing statements. If he had used the words in the brackets, his statements would not have been so polarizing.
p.s. I’m not a zealot. Our family does not vaccinate. I am simply pushing back on polarizing people who make it look like CV shot takers were “unbiblical” and “unwise”. I also push back on those who repeat the “thousands of people have died” idea without evidence.
Truly amazed that you don’t find Craig’s comments polarizing.
Despite “snuffing” and “shadow banning” of negative information, truth continues emerging about the vaccines’ lack of effectiveness and their short-term and long-term dangers. At age 80, I caught Covid in late June and was treated with therapeutic doses (well above MDRs) of Vitamins A, C, D (especially D!), zinc, nebulized hydrogen peroxide (not the usual drugstore stuff), iodine, and an ivermectin prescription. My 76-year-old wife received similar treatment for her Covid infection and we both recovered uneventfully. But now, as Covid survivors, we have NATURAL ANTIBODIES and don’t need any vaccines or booster shots!
A deliberate government/media/medical establishment policy has shut down virtually all communication except for “vaccinate or die!” But good options exist using drugs that are well known to be safe as well as effective against Covid. (We noticed a dramatic improvement after our first dose of ivermectin.) Better to boost one’s immunity with nutrition and helpful minerals. A vegan friend couldn’t catch Covid from her sick husband though she tried hard to do it — but then her lifestyle had maximized her immunity beforehand. Boost your immunity naturally.
Brother, you have natural immunity now to covid19 which is 13 to 20 times better and longer-lasting than any immunity you might get from the vaccine. If you take the vaccine, it will actually wipe out your natural immunity according to the Red Cross:
Briefly, without citing sources (at this time), and putting aside whether it’s Biblical or not Biblical, just from an informed common sense viewpoint (a common grace point of view, that a Christian or non-Christian can reasonably act upon), it is the “vaccinated” that are reaping the (suppressed) consequences of taking the shot, not the unvaccinated. The shot produces spiked proteins and triggers the body to ongoingly produce the spiked proteins that are shed in the vaccinated and potentially effect the unvaccinated (not vice-versa). Even the “tests” (swabs) have toxic graphene oxide in them. The swab is poked deeply up the nasal cavity to the point where the swab is aggressively touching the interface of the nasal cavity and the brain. This is for a reason (beyond any such bogus, inaccurate c19 test). Every single aspect of this shot and covid situation is filled with errors, questionable procedures, unreliable consequences, vax companies “immune” from lawsuits… that the phrase ‘when in doubt, throw it out’. There are literally dozens of reasons to steer very clear of this, yes, I’ll say it, bioweapon for one’s own sake and one’s family. A good resource to fight off consequences of this heinous shot and everything surrounding it is American Frontline Doctors. Google it. It is quite grievous to warn so many otherwise intelligent brothers and sisters in Christ to no avail. The fuller and deeper consequences of this ‘shot’ will be seen more and more in the coming days, weeks, and months, despite continual suppression and obfuscation by the lying demonstream media. Don’t let normalcy bias keep you from getting help from America’s Frontline Doctors and/or others and if you haven’t take any ‘shot’ and/or test, good for you! Don’t take it and continue to warn others, for their sakes, and for your own sake as well. (We, the one’s who haven’t taken the shot, will need to be the one’s who must care for those who have either ignorantly or stubbornly (normalcy bias) taken the shot.
Just a moment ago, I received this email from America’s Frontline Doctors. This is helpful
Thank you for reaching out to AFLDS.
Below is a recommended regimen to help mitigate the damaging effects of the covid 19 vaccines:
Dr. Bryan Ardis The Dr. Ardis Show :: A voice for truth in the modern day ( has a recommendation called Dr. Ardis’s Covid 19 vaccine shedding, Disease, and Death Protection protocol:
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
13 years old and up: 10,000 mg decided into two or three doses/day
Children 6-12 (5,000 mg/day)
Children 2-5 (2,000 mg/day)
Magnesium (any form)
13 years and up: Start with 500 mg
Children 6-12 (300 mg/day) or just below bowel tolerance
Children 2-5 (200/day)
13 years old and up: (200 mcg/day)
Children 2-12 (100 mcg/day)
Apple pectin (powder or pills)
All ages: 700 mg 2 X day
I understand your concern with having taken the vaccine with all of the news that is coming out regarding their efficacy and ultimate reaction in each person. Vaccine Information – America’s Frontline Doctors (
No matter if you are vaccinated or unvaccinated, early outpatient treatment using HCQ/Ivermectin plus zinc is important for the treatment of Covid-19. We recommend being proactive and requesting multidrug Covid-19 medications to have on hand before you get sick. That way you have treatment options and you are not rushed to seek telemedicine doctor visits.
We are thankful for your support which enables us to continue to bring truth to the American people.
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I don’t know why this is such a big issue. The Bible clearly states we are to obey the authority of the government. So we don’t need any more issues that further our division. Our Goverment, constitution and leader is Christ and his kingdom and our only rights are to be his slave.
The question is not whether governments should/should not mandate a vaccine. The question to be answered in this thread is, “Should *your org or your partner* require the vaccine?”
By D Miller’s reasoning, our Founders were wrong in resisting England’s authority… And because the German people obeyed their authorities, the result was Auschwitz etc.
To B, The larger question/issue is: Is the shot toxic/deathly/hurtful? If it is, which it is, then the question should your org or partner require the vaccine, is already answered.
Dennis, If the government told you to jump off a cliff, would you obey the government?
I do not work in medical and should not be considered an expert in any field relevant to this conversation.
While I do not doubt that getting the COVID-19 vaccine does give at least moderate benefits, I am concerned about the cheerleading to get vaccinated. COVID-19 is not an extreme threat to human health by any measure I’ve become aware of.
At least to me, it seems that there is a lack of transparency regarding negative outcomes to being vaccinated. Also, no consideration seems to be made for those who are survivors of the disease when it comes to talking about becoming vaccinated.
Therefore, vaccination mandates or passports are extreme measures.
For a faith-based organization to disregard these and similar concerns seems unwise.