Changing the Climate is a new book by mission family Debbie, David and 14-year-old Jamie Hawker. The book discusses climate change and what mission agencies are doing to help. For information, free excerpts and orders (including PDF) see or Amazon.
5) “Changing the Climate: Applying the Bible in a Climate Emergency”

Presupposing “Climate Change”, recently called “Global Warming” and “Global Cooling” is mis-directing otherwise solid believers in Christ into tangents from the truth. “Climate Change” agenda is fully embraced and pushed by the U.N., the new world order, and many leftist groups without the backing of reliable science. True ‘Climate Change’ is seen through documented ‘atmospheric geo-engineering (aka ‘chemtrails’), weather wars (producing, prodding, or enhancing ‘ice storms’, ‘fire storms’ hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. I don’t like tangents to my walk with Christ. I believe in a comprehensive worldview discipleship in Christ. I don’t like tangents from the same. This is a tangent.