In a recent article in Mission Frontiers, Emanuel Prinz (with Dave Coles) argued that it was “The Person, Not the Method” who formed the “Essential Ingredient” for a disciple-making movement (DMM). We interviewed a leading DMM trainer regarding this article and uncovered some troubling themes. For example, if we conclude that DMMs require a particular kind of personality at their core, doesn’t that take away from the reproducibility factor that we all have come to treasure in these movements? What’s your take. Read the whole article at…
6) DMM: The Catalyst? … or the Approach? What’s Your Take?

Excellent! “The person of the pioneer leader(s), not the method he or she employs, plays the greatest role in determining whether or not a movement will result. If someone says to me, give me the method or give me the curriculum, I know that they have not understood that this [the catalyzing of a movement] is accomplished through persons rather than methods.
“The right leader(s) will employ the right methodology. A pioneer leader with traits such as radical learning, intelligence, complex thinking, innovation, and initiative, who then possesses the necessary socio-influential and transformational competencies, has the best potential to identify and implement the most effective methodology for the context in which he or she is operating. However, a person who receives a certain methodology, but lacks the traits and competencies identified in this study, will be unable to effectively apply the methodology. This stands in stark contrast to the conclusions of many publications on movements that center around methods and principles rather than on the person of the catalyst.”
It is altogether too common for people to assume that they can just implement a method, like sprinkling magic dust on something, and that they will therefore achieve the same results. I was part of a UPG strategy group for two years and saw this over and over. People who didn’t even really understand the dynamic principles behind DMMs assumed the method would work for them.
Over the years, a few friends have encouraged me to systematize the Oral Bible Project that I developed so others could apply it “out of the box”. This research gives good rationale why that seldom works.