If you’re seeking to implement disciple-making movement strategies in North America, you’ll likely be interested in 24:14’s new “Map of Movements.” Some of the map pins identify implementers, of course, but the overall picture is encouraging either way. It gives us hope that, in the future, there will be a LOT more focus on DMM in North America than ever before. Yay!
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- Michael J. Fast 2025/01/11
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- Curtis sergeant 2025/01/11
Was there supposed to be a link?
I went to the 2414now.net site and didn’t see the map.
The Map pin half way between the Kansas City and St. Louis reference Denver as the city.
Please forgive. It should have been provided: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1j03BM18X8TdYRZBeA3lZQirY204v1lug&ll=42.470707577114425%2C-87.129002040625&z=5. We’ll do a correction in the new edition. Thanks for the heads up.