Those of you who have been faithful Brigada participants since “the good ole days” will probably remember that, for years, we’ve pursued the best task management app. For most people, it’s a very personal decision. Read on to find out why it’s “the best.” We were looking for an app that easily sync’d across multiple platforms, accommodated multiple users, and allowed updates from email forwards. It seems to have run off and left so many other apps in the dust. It’s affordable enough for most budgets, yet not so free that it will flounder from lack of development budget. It allows for a “start date” as well as “due date” and it’s constantly improving. (On average, it seems to gain a new feature or three at least once a week.) It allows for tags, subtasks, manual prioritization through drag and drop, and about 6 zillion other cool features. There’s an app for every platform, including smartphones. It’s quick and easy, too. Learn more at We’re not suggesting Clickup because of some kind of affiliate fee. We make not a dime by recommending it. But if you try it, please say something in the comments below about your conclusion. Also, if you’ve settled on Todoist, Outlook tasks, or a pad and pencil (haha), please explain what drew you to that approach below. Thanks!