Would we not want to show this video to all support-raisers, to help them get their head on straight? Would we not want all our current missionaries to see this, so they can understand their relationship to donors? And wouldn’t we want to show this in every church in the country, so our Christian brothers WITH resources would understand their strategic role in the Great Commission??? https://www.prayercast.com/resource-partners.html Thank you PrayerCast!
6) These PrayerCast Guys Have Done it Again: “Resource Partners”

I cannot seem to find the video. Is there a link somewhere?
I cannot seem to find the link for the video.
I found it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/SJpTohhXP1M
Here’s the link https://www.prayercast.com/resource-partners.html
So sorry — everything but the link! Added it into the original item.