Jenaya wrote this past week to ask if we knew of an app that would help her manage 31 prayer partners. The app would let people sign up, pick a day of the month and then remind them to pray for her on that day. We looked at a ton of apps but couldn’t find anything exactly like what she wanted. Thoughts? Click to see all the apps we checked. We also checked out “PrayVine,” “Pray!,” “Prayer Prompter,” “InstaPray,” “Ora,” “Abide,” “Prayer Guide,” “My Daily Prayer and Devotion,” and “PrayerMate.” No Joy.
3) Can You Help Jenaya Find a Prayer App Like This?

Hey friends,
Look at It’s based on weekly prayer coupled with a monthly donation. The developers say a “free from donation” version is on the way.
Yes, such an app would be helpful. In my case I pray once a week, instead once a month, for those on my prayer list.
It will send a email reminder to those who have signed up for a certain slot. You can add different descriptions of specific prayers for different hours of the day or different days of the week.
Samuel, that’s a great idea! We’ve used signupgenius for other applications. This is a GREAT idea!
Check out the prayermate app: