Roland wrote this past week, looking for the best videos to explain or illustrate aspects of the Gospel message with Muslims. He’s also looking for videos focusing on discipleship. Obviously, he’s prefer links to YouTube or Vimeo videos. If you have some ideas for him, please list them in the Comment section below. (One URL per Comment please.) Thanks!
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Translated into 20+ languages and incorporates contextual elements to help Muslims not view the message as foreign.
40 Languages of a creation- to- the- Cross overview of the bible for those who may come from all cultures and ages. KING of GLORY movie or print. Radio resources are also available.
One user asked that we comment this: “I have heard that there has been a good response to this DVD. More Than Dreams
A Corona Virus adaptation of a simple 5-minute gospel story and invitation to follow Jesus that is fueling rapidly growing movements in many contexts:
An adaptation of the same 5-minute gospel story and invitation to follow Jesus adapted by and for Native American peoples in British Columbia:
The training video for the original 5-minute LIfestory, with hand motions and script:
Here is a video I can recommend:
the same video can also be found on youtube here:
Blessings, Over 600 films free to download in more than 200 languages. Search for the people group or nation you wish to view available resources. The 6 min Prophet story is available in over 60 languages. Also, the resources are all available on the Create International app:
Award-winning animated film In 17 languages, 26 min duration. Arabic-dubbed version has textual modifications for Muslim viewers.
Tim wrote, “I helped produce a video for field workers called “Locating Gospel Media”. It is also in Spanish. Find it at
The Prophets’ Story is one of the all-time best videos created specifically for a Muslim audience. It presents the gospel through the lens of blood sacrifice, a theme that resonates with Muslims. It is now available in at least 30 languages. Carol Conkey mentioned above – you’ll find many of the versions there as well as on YouTube.
The Jesus Film Project app and website ( is known mainly for the JESUS film, but they have a variety of other great films in more than 1,000 languages. Falling Plates is one that has garnered quite a few views in various languages. In addition to their more overt films, they have a number of short films, many of which have are silent (i.e. no narration) and somewhat trans-cultural, that are excellent as conversation starters. They are interesting, provocative, and create easy opportunities for introducing the gospel without being threatening in any way. These short films are also available at
Well, it has been several weeks now, and I must say that I am a bit disappointed. I had hoped for more videos that would be suitable for seekers. I suppose they are in different languages. I know there are lots of Bible videos, but I was looking for something more direct. I guess there are one or two in this list that will be suitable for our needs. I will check back in a week or two to see if anything else has been listed.
I hope we see some other responses, brother. Maybe that means we need to MAKE more of them!
Can you be a bit more specific as to what you are looking for and why specifically you are disappointed with the videos that have been recommended here? I am interested in what you are looking for. God bless
Good question. I am involved with others making a website. We had hoped to move people along a spiritual path. We have only four broad categories. We first made films and webpages to attract people who were interested in a variety of topics that Muslims would be interested in. The response has been good. Very good. At that stage some of the videos and webpages introduced religious topics that Muslims would be interested in. In our advertisements on the website the AI brings up ads of pages and videos that would appeal to people who have some spiritual interest. These address questions like: Who changed the Bible? Why do Christian believe in a trinity, etc. Once the viewer watchs these types of videos or read these pages the AI begin to show adverts for videos and pages that are designed for seekers, that explain aspects of the gospel message. Our hope is that the gospel will become clear at that level, and the adverts will then begin to advertise pages and videos that appeal to be believers/disciples. We have developed lots of pages for the first category, and we have lots of visitors to the site. Lots of them. But we are struggling to find suitable videos for those who are somewhat interested, (ie willing to interact with some spiritual content), and we are finding it hard to find materials for the third level, those who are seriously seeking to find spiritual answers. Last, we have no trouble finding discipleship type materials. I am getting the feeling that film makers and the Christians working on developing videos and pages simply do not know enough about Islam to speak to Muslims within their religious worldview. On the other hand, many new believers do not know that they can use what they used to know to bridge into spiritual messages. When I read the Bible the early disciples were always building bridges from what their Jewish audience knew to the Gospel. I was hoping I could find similar materials that grab the audience with something they know about, and then give it new meaning that explains the gospel. Perhaps I should call them analogies that explain the gospel. I guess I imaged that the internet would be full of videos that speak to somewhat interested Muslims, addressing things they have heard about Christians or Christianity. I also imagined that there would be lots of videos that address aspects of the gospel, so that after someone has watched a handful of these videos they would have a clear understanding of what the gospel is all about. Making these two types of videos should be done by lots of people, with lots of different ideas, coming from lots of different aspects. I hope this helps.
A great friend of Brigada shared these items:
Nabeel Qureshi worked with Ravi Z ministry before he went to heaven. He seems like a good speaker on the subject. He has five degrees. Two of his videos are below.
This is the most popular apologetic site in the world for Muslims seeking the truth about Jesus