The question came today, “What size carry-on is the best for a mission trip?” Although you might be tempted to answer, “The biggest one you can find,” (ha-ha), seriously… what’s your favorite carry-on for missions trips and international travel? For us, nothing beats a backpack. And if you’ve got some sensitive camera gear and a laptop, nothing beats the LowePro ProTactic BP450 AW II. The large inner cavity holds a ton of gear and LowePro gives a generous supply (never enough) of padded velcro dividers to customize the bag to your liking. But for rollerboards, Wow — there must be a thousand favorite designs. How would you respond? Size-wise, can we all agree 21x13x9 is the safest size? (Please go measure yours and comment below.) Got a favorite brand you can recommend to others? I (Doug) have ended up with Briggs and Reilly, mainly because my son sold me on the “guaranteed for life” replacement deal. They have a greater “carry-on finder” at . But what’s YOUR fave?