We remember Thom Rainer’s original article of March 27, 2017 citing nine changes we must make or die. Thom was originally the CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources, which seems to have prepared him well to think national, if not global thoughts. They are seemingly all relevant still today, two years later, and we seemingly MUST consider these changes in attitude and practice as a United States of American church (and perhaps, for some, even as a global church) or we will indeed die. Check out the list below, then please click comment to let us know what YOUR list of nine changes would be.

1. We must stop bemoaning the death of cultural Christianity.
2. We must cease seeing the church as a place of comfort and stability in the midst of rapid change.
3. We must abandon the entitlement mentality.
4. We must start doing. What he meant here was, for example, we like *thinking* about evangelism more than *doing* evangelism.
5. We must stop using biblical words in unbiblical ways. Thom wrote, “Discipleship does not mean caretaking.”
6. We must stop focusing on minors. What he means here is – stop spending six months arguing over a bylaw change.
7. We must stop shooting our own.
8. We must stop wasting time in unproductive meetings, committees, and business sessions. His solution here: Church members are only allowed to comment if they have shared their faith over the past week. : )
9. We must become houses of prayer.

So there you see Thom’s list, originally published at…


What would be yours? Please click comment and let us know. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.