Is it possible? Well, not exactly. But you CAN see an index by year and month, beginning all the way back in October of 1994 when the vision for Brigada first began to form. Read about the missions conference, the dozens of focus groups around the USA, and the ideas that resulted from those meetings. Learn about the AD2000 & Beyond Movement and its impact on the genesis of the original plan. Discover what prompted the origins of Brigada and you’ll find oit firsthand why we have rolled out a new edition of Brigada every week — for 25 years. That’s (more or less) 1300 editions. Yikes. Makes us sleepy just thinking about it. But seriously, check out the ebb and flow of 25 *years* — all on one page.
7) See All of Brigada’s 25 Years of Editions on One Single Page???

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