Here’s a two-hour, all-out motion picture – filmed all over the world with beautiful cinematography that will prompt many questions about disciple-making movements (DMMs), Iran, the Middle East, Muslims, and more. You could *easily* ask your small group, youth group, DMM group, or Sunday School class to watch this movie through the week then gather in your normal group to discuss it. Come up with 5 penetrating questions while you watch it (then please post your questions in the comments so others can use them) and … bam… you have a VERY engaging discussion with real-life issues. For example, “Prior to watching this movie, what were your thoughts on Iran? How did this movie change them?” or “What were some of the principles mentioned that you didn’t previously associate with DMM?” or “Imagine you’re living in Iran. Would you take the kinds of risks that these believers are taking? Why or why not?” You’ll think of dozens more. “Are there portions of the movie that you just can’t or won’t believe? Are there practices you just can’t accept into your life? Why?” It’s free. It’s engaging. And it will stir you. Volume II is the one particularly worth watching (all due respect). (Note: We kind of thought there was a gentle pitch for the organizations who produced the movie (especially near the end) but, hey, that’s typical, right? And note that we know nothing about those organizations. But the movie is engaging either way.)


(Thanks for the tip, Jeff!)