Whoa. Nobody. Then … raise your hand if you’ve ever trained in it. Yikes. Nobody again. Want to fix that? It’s easy. Our Member Care Coordinator (thanks Jenny) recently told us about a resilience course we can take *online* without having to miss a thing. No travel. No skipped meals. No dorms. Do it right from your den. It’s a course two-week online course designed to give you tools to understand and grow in resilience and to keep your life and ministry true to your calling. And it’ll only set you back $50 bucks or so. See it at…




Get the whole shooting match — the content, community, consultation, and connections you need to harden your armor. It could save you (and your church or org) a bundle when you don’t quit prematurely. Try it. Let is know what you think in a comment, afterward. We’d love to hear from you.