Need an extra phone booth for your church or training center? If you have historically been doing simultaneous translation, you’re in luck. Just clean out those interpreter booths (where you’ve been hiding your translators) and transform those little closets into phone booths. Why? Because with Interactio, you won’t need a speck of translation hardware. This service came to light because of an earlier item on translation hardware. Come to find out, we don’t need any! : )
With Interactio, the spoken word beams over to the location (the country) where your translator is relaxing in his den. Speaking over his iPhone, he translates using his earbuds. Nanoseconds later, your crowd listens to the crystal-clear translation over THEIR iphones. You spend zero dollars on equipment. No more earbuds to swipe. Think of the money you’ll save on wet-wipes alone! : ) Learn more at…
(Thanks for telling us about Interactio, Rick!)
Or any smartphone, $1000 iPhone not necessary…
“Other brands are available”