In this issue…
1) Video Counseling Available
2) Can You Teach Us About Community-Based Bible Translation? (CCBT)
3) What About an App for Real-time, Simultaneous Worship Times?
4) Finally, a Pretty Decent Travel Checklist
5) Looking for a Fresh Voice for Prayer In Your Life? Try This:
6) Church Prayer Leaders’ Network Introduces New Magazine: Pray
7) ChinaSource Quarterly — Teaching in China
8) Digital Media Strategy For Making Meaningful Faith Decisions
9) Finishing the Task: “We Aren’t Finished!”
10) Nations Course 2019 in Chiang Mai and Rotterdam
11) Didn’t Make it To Urbana? It’s OK; William Will Take You There
12) Didn’t Make it to Cross (missions) Conference either?
13) We’re Grateful for…
14) The Last Bit: A Tribute to Don Richardson (by Danny Lehmann)
15) Closing Stuff
2019/01/13 — Brigada Today

Thanks for the great report on the life and ministry of Don Richardson !
I met him and Carol at a pre Perspectives Conference hosted by Ralph Winter at USCWM
Would you have the link to the Baylor study by Robert Woodbury referred to by Danny Lehmann
Can you advise
Max Palmer
National Co-Leader
Life Church International
PO Box 37359 Halswell 8025
Christchurch, NZ
Tel. +64 3 365 2121 | Mobile +64 21 321 694
Stay Curious-Think Well–Advance Good
Hi Max. I wonder if you’d find some of it in this: