Here’s a question: Do you use and enjoy the Brigada app? (You can try it at the place where you get your apps. Just search for Brigada.) If you love it, please say. It costs us to maintain it. (I believe it averages about $70/month.) If the Brigada family isn’t that crazy about a custom Brigada app, maybe we should just take that as a sign not to keep running it? Just click “Comment” after this item on the web or in the app. Thanks!
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- Cindy O'Neill 2025/02/05
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- Andrew D. 2025/02/04
- Gregory Fritz 2025/02/04
- Ken Mccrae 2025/02/04
I love Brigada but do not use the app.
I stopped using it because I couldn’t enlarge the font size and found it uncomfortable to read. Apart from that issue I would have continued to use it as the subjects were laid out in an interesting way.
However $70 a month seems a lot if only a few people are using it.
I don’t use the app. Very happy reading Brigada in email.
I don’t use the app; I only read the e-mails and if I need to look something up on Brigada I go to the website.
I also don’t use the app; I only read the e-mails and yes, if I need to look something up on Brigada I go to the website.
I also tried the app but find my ongoing interaction is through the emails. One thought would be to see if there is a way for the website to send push notifications to a phone when new items are posted.
Doesn’t sound like too many people are very head-over-heels taken with the app yet, to say the least. I was afraid of that. It’s been a great experiment — but unless we see a change here, maybe we’ll drop it after the new year?
I don’t use the app. Email is good enough.
I am quite content following via email and web – I never tried the app.
But it seems a (seemingly) relatively minor update to the app would allow you to track actual usage and make the decision on the basis of good data…
Not really. As long as stuff is searchable on the website.
An enriched APP is the future, and we need to consider the next generation, and it’s need to be intelligent and cooperative. Brigada is one of those platforms that highlight “Intelligent Mission” and “Cooperative Mission”. Let’s stick with the APP and let a younger generation leadership put their sparkle on the APP!
I’ve used the app some and liked it; it was particularly useful when we didn’t have online access (computer) for a week or two… thanks!
Thanks to all those who gave input. We’ll definitely try an “app” version of Brigada again in the future. When we do, we’ll try to roll it out with more services to attract more users. Thanks again!
Totally forgot you’d made an app! I’ll check on that now..
As for maintenance, have you looked into a PWA? Progressive Web App technology would be well suited for web and app needs. The technology is still developing, but both Apple and Google have backed it. Worth checking into.