If you haven’t signed up for Finishing the Task this December, you might consider it. We’re seeing a lot of momentum and indication that, this December, it could be that every single remaining unengaged unreached people group will have become the focus of someone, somewhere in the world — for prayer AND onsite presence, with a strategy for church multiplication. It would be an exciting wrap-up to a fantastic campaign. Learn more at…
Updated link: https://www.finishingthetask.com/registration/index.htm
The provided link was foe the 2017 conference.
The provided link was for the 2017 conference.
Dear Doug, greetings from Sicily. Thanks for the latest issue of BRIGADA TODAY. I am wondering if you really think it is probable that every single remaining unengaged unreached people group by the end fo this calendar year could become the focus of someone, somewhere in the world — for prayer AND onsite presence, with a strategy for church multiplication. I would be really glad if that were the case but I wanted to know if it is realistic to think that the remaining 3300 could be adopted and engaged soon. ,,, On another note I know that Zume will soon be avaiable in Italian, courtesy of Care for Catania. Andrew from Sicily
Dear Andrew,
Warm greetings from California! While we have a slightly different UUPG focus than that of the IMB numbers you quoted we do believe that the Body of Christ can step up and commit to reaching these least of the lost. The passion of this network is astounding and the updates we’re getting this summer are extraordinary. If you can, I highly encourage you to join us and experience it for yourself!
By His grace alone, Lara
Thanks Laura, I am in Italy, just shifted to Sicily… Am unable to come to your conference but I am focused on the unreached (I am also linked to the NO PLACE LEFT movement and some of them focus on unreached peoples in North America and Asia). (I can’t say more for security reasons). I am trying to mobilise Italian (and non Italian) believers in the Lazio region of Italy to reach unreached Punjabis (from India) and Bangladeshis with the Gospel (I lived in that region for over 20 years) and here in Sicily I am hoping to reach Bangladeshis (Shaikh Bengalis) with the Gospel.