There are literally thousands of Brigada participants who aren’t positioned to help with the costs of our part-time publishing help, server and domain costs, and the light marketing we do. The good news is, for the entire year of weekly editions, our budget is just $17,000. Total. That’s it. The whole thing is less than the cost of one preschool teacher’s annual salary. Yet — many of our readers (maybe half?) live in economic conditions that make it impossible to get dollars out of the country. But if you CAN, the only question that remains is — WILL you? Will you consider an offering of $100 to underwrite the cost of Brigada for an entire year? The great news is — we won’t ACCEPT more than $17,000 for the year. You know EXACTLY how much has come in already: $4,741.90 . And if we ever reach the budget for a particular year, any additional funds that come in will be applied to the NEXT year. Our goal is simple: Accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission by sharing resources, motivation, and trends through Our focus is unreached peoples. Our ultimate aim is glorifying Christ. Your gift keeps on giving throughout the entire year. By sending one gift of $100, you inspire and illuminate the ministries of thousands of Great Commission Christians in countries all around the globe. Many Brigada readers tell us they forward items to their entire agency. Many pull an item and feature it in their own publications (we’re sure they always tell their folks where they learned about it : ) ). Would you consider celebrating Thanksgiving by sending a gift that will keep on stirring up Great Commission fervor for an entire year? Mobilize — today — by making a gift. It’s easy. Just head on over to and click “Donate.” If you’re in the position of giving $2000, $1000, or $500, please do so to make up for the many who can’t help. And thank you, in advance, for your partnership in the Gospel from the first day (1995) until now. Can’t afford $100? Then please don’t let that stop you. Give $1 for each year Brigada has been working — that would be a $21 gift. We only mention giving in the last few weeks of each year. In fact, if you can give the entire remaining budget in one week ($12,258.10), we can stop asking — for the next YEAR! Please be generous — and please click now.
Thank you.
Dear Friends,
Its been a long time since I lasted contacted Brigada. When I saw your request for help with running costs. I could raise finance through my artwork at the link. Something like 30% on a sale is raised which could go towards Brigada.
God bless you all
Peter Millward
Peter, we hope you have thousands of art-lovers flocking to your work. : )