According to Shawn, a Global Outreach Pastor and friend of Brigada, Paul Borthwick did a great job with his 2012 training book, “Western Christians in Global Mission: What’s the Role of the North American Church?” If you have read this book or thought through these issues, we’d love to get your take on how Western Christians should be involved in Global Mission. Just click “Comment” after this item in the web version. See Paul’s book here:
Interesting. Karen Hatley is just finishing up a research project along similar themes, called Missionaries from Everywhere to Everywhere: Roles of U.S. Missionaries in the Majority World. She conducted extensive surveys with some 72 Majority World leaders and 117 non-Majority leaders to find out how each view the roles that U.S. missionaries can best perform. She’ll be presenting a Missio Nexus webinar on her results in November 2015.
Love this book! I just bought it this year as research material for a missions article I wrote, and it addresses real issues in a very presentable and conversational format. It deals with many different issues facing missions, including migration (a huge deal just now), technology (who reaches those that don’t have internet access?) and short-term missions (who is it really for?).
I strongly recommend this book if you’re looking to think through issues and trends in mission, and have answers ready for people who, when you’re on home assignment, say “But there’s so much need right here at home; why go overseas?”
I highly recommend this as well. Here are some of my highlights: