By now you have no doubt heard of the great pre-field orientation that MTI can offer you, but did you know they train your workers for the trip back home, too? Check out the Debriefing and Reentry (DAR) training at…
In fact, at CODAR, they’ll unselfishly even prepare YOU to lead the same training in your church or mission org.
In our org, we require virtually ALL our workers to do pre-field training at MTI, and we often recommend DAR in all the cases in which there are reentry issues (when AREN’T there, anyway?).
My husband and I chose to attend MTI’s DAR several years ago, when we were returning to Canada for an extended period of time. The facilitators were caring, godly and experienced cross-culturally themselves. The sessions and the relationships built with them as well as with fellow participants were very helpful, We highly recommend DAR as a valuable use of time and money, and not only for those with serious re-entry issues!