Remember that list of resources we published on caring for missionaries and their families? We’d love to amplify it by adding a section on caring for single missionaries. Would you take a moment and click “Comment” under this item on the web and share your best list with us please? We’ll add to the article and republish it in a more complete way. Find the current list at…
“Surviving Celibacy” has a strong missions sub-theme, both in its sections for singles, and for pastors. See Amazon for a TOC & summary:
Surviving Celibacy is practical biblical teaching on topics like loneliness, masturbation, coveting your neighbor’s family, and depression. In between, join me in an exploration of the lives of the twentieth-century’s great single Christians, who struggled with many of these same issues. Together, you will learn how to stop living life on hold.
There is an extensive appendix for pastors and teachers of singles. Learn why 42% of all adult Americans are single. Discover what your Christian singles really struggle with (HINT: Sex runs a distant fifth.) and what pitfalls to avoid in teaching them.
‘Single Mission: Thriving as a single Christian in cross-cultural ministry’ Edited by D. Hawker and T. Herbert (2013). Available from
Single Mission aims to encourage and equip single mission personnel, and to help them be strong in their faith, effective in their ministry, resilient and content with their lifestyle. Chapters have been contributed by over 30 women and men from six continents.
Single Missionary Care Resources:
a) Book ‘Single Mission’ by Debbie Hawker
b) Member Care Retreat for Singles held annually in Asia & Europe ‘Single Vision’ website:
As a single myself, I am often on the hunt for resources for singles in our mission, and in addition to the ones people have already listed, I have found the following to be good resources:
Purposeful Singleness: articles for singles:
This website has excellent resources, particularly, “Battling Online Temptation”by Eric Sellin (and related book When Good men Are Tempted by Bill Perkins); “Lust, Excuse me” by James Johnson, among various other topics.
MMCT(Mobile Member Care Team) issue full of resources on singleness,%20August%202010%20-%20Singleness.pdf
Missionary Care website has lots of resources for singles.