Suppose you took 30 minutes each morning to pray to the Lord of the Harvest. How would you divide those 30 minutes? Would you spend…
5 minutes praising God for who he is and what he’s done
5 minutes for your loved ones – spouse, family, friends, co-workers
5 minutes praying for existing missionaries already in place
5 minutes asking for new workers for specific places (name them)
5 minutes for special projects you’re tackling on behalf of nations
5 minutes for new resources to empower your dreams
Whoa — the half-hour is done and you just got started.
How would your list be different? What would you add/change/subtract? Just click “Comment” after the web version of this item and help us improve or revise this idea. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
I like the 5 minute segments to provide order and structure to the time focused in prayer (especially helpful if one’s mind tends to wander or lag while praying).
I’d likely add 5 minutes (or some amount of time) seeking God to further align my heart with His- His heart for the people and nations all around; locally and beyond. Within that would also be a request for additional resources or connections with international mission agencies/organizations.
Thankful for this post- and for its link on! Please keep publishing encouragements about prayer!
In His grip,