piracyPart of the magic of Brigada is that we function with a kind of “collective consciousness.” It’s almost like we get to operate with the sum total memory of the entire Brigada family. So we’re glad, for example, when we publish news about an item like Scribid, that participants are willing to speak up. One friend wrote, “I was disappointed to see Brigada mention Scribid. They have been at the center of a copyright war on the Internet. In effect, users upload copyrighted pdfs. Scribd places ads on them and then gets payment so that users can download other people’s works that Scribd doesn’t have the rights to distribute. In other words, Scribd is essentially making money off pirated content. However, in the last couple of months they have tried to cooperate with some book publishers, but to date I don’t know of anyone who has gotten paid through their scheme. (Thanks Roland!) To learn more, check out this revealing article:
