LRM Being a change-agent in a developing community is greatly rewarding but doesn’t come without its stresses and difficulties. It’s not uncommon to put a lot of energy into a community development project only to have results and community response less than what you had hoped for. The folks at Le Rucher Ministries know – they have years of experience in bringing wholistic Community Development in recovering war-torn areas as well as debriefing cross-cultural workers. They are offering a two week training and personal debriefing combination August 17-29. Explore wholistic biblical principles on how to help a community reach its God-given potential, at the same time as processing the impact of your current experiences and projects. This training is for Community Development practitioners and field workers who want to hone their skills as well as debrief their current experiences. The training is held at their center just outside of Geneva, Switzerland and the cost of 650 Euro covers all materials, meals and accommodation for two weeks – not a bad price! For more information go to their webpage at:

Space is limited so fill out an application today and get ready to hone your skills for greater effectiveness.