I remain convinced that we could be doing a lot more with group texting than what we’re probably already doing. Seems like we could be doing quick field updates, prayer requests, and even flash appeals for support. One solution is a program like…
See their pricing model. Have you found a better plan?
Just today I started out trying Groupme, which seems to have apps for every platform and is completely free with no limits posted that I can see. I’ve created separate groups with links for all prayer, weekly requests and monthly requests, and can email links inviting people to sign up according to their interest level. The bit I used today all seems pretty slick, but I’ve not compared it with txtsignal.
Remind101, https://www.remind101.com/, is a great free service for education.
In addition to Groupme.com, I have found cel.ly to be a good choice.
http://cel.ly/c/Christianity is an example of a Cell.
Like Groupme, there’s a text from phone and web interface that allows interaction.
Hope that helps.
I coordinate monthly events at an M agency.
We use Gather (a Mailchimp app) to push mass texts to our event attendees.
Sometimes during events, our staff uses GroupMe. This is great if everyone has a smartphone, but can be frustrating for those without smartphones.
GroupMe allows everyone to interact. Gather allows us to push texts to attendees, but they can only respond to us, not to everyone. Different purposes!
testing this comment solution.
I’ve found one that works internationally called RoutoMessaging by TeleSign.
I’m able to send out single or group texts for between 1.5 and 2 cents (depending on the recipient’s mobile provider). I haven’t used it much yet, but the testing phase worked brilliantly.
I have checked out tons of services over several months. Most of the good ones are for the US and Canada only or target one specific country or region. Most of the international ones are either expensive (10-15 cents/message) or just flat didn’t work when I tried them out.
On a separate note, Telesign is one of the world leaders in detecting online fraud… My account was closed three times because my payment looked fraudulent as I tried to set up the account from Africa, with a US card under another person’s name… (I wonder why they had an issue with that?) but I had someone else set up the account with their details on the fourth try and viola, works like magic.
Hope this is helpful.