If you’re receiving Brigada as an email, then, at one time or another, you (or someone using your email account) must have subscribed. How do we know that? Because in all of Brigada’s history… since we started in 1995, we’ve never ever ‘manually added’ a single address to the Brigada email list. If you’ve changed your mind and no longer wish to receive Brigada, please use the handy “unsubscribe” link at the end of this newsletter. Please don’t list us as spam. (After all, you asked for it. The definition of spam is “unsolicited” email.) How can you make sure that your own spam protection software never misclassifies Brigada as spam? Just create an entry in your address book with the email address, editor@brigada.org , or list that address in the “white list” (the addresses you don’t want your spam engine to whisk out of your sight). That’s all there is to it. Thanks for insuring that Brigada’s name isn’t dragged through the mud unnecessarily. :-)