Wow. Our I.T. person at Team Expansion (Greg) shared a URL with me this past week that he had seen via one of the lists he monitors. On the surface, it looks like one could download free for 7 days from the 100,000 motion picture backgrounds at See this website to learn more…
They have motion backgrounds, countdowns, production music, and much more! Looks like you get 20 clips/day, absolutely free! (Thanks Greg!)
Be very careful with this site. It is a subscription site… you sign up and they charge your credit card every month. They will ask for your credit card info when you sign up for the free samples, and then they will start charging your account month after month despite everything you can do to stop them. It took me several months and several hundred dollars to get them to stop charging my account. Google “videoblock complaints” and read about others experiences!
Yikes Roland. Thanks for the heads-up!