One of our Brigada participants wrote this past week wondering what might be the best guide to Arab culture and Islam. One of the churches with whom he is partnering is looking for something less on how to evangelize and more on how to get know, how to connect, and how to avoid insulting. What resource would you recommend? If you have an idea, please click “comment” below the online version of this item. Thanks in advance for any help you can render.
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Bates, Daniel G. & Amal Rassam, 2001. Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East 2nd ed. NJ: Prentice Hall.
This is a great anthropological/sociological study. Well worth reading.
The World of Islam CD resource from GMI is one of the most classic resources for theology and background.
This book/seminar has some of what they want and some of the “how to share” with Muslims, the thing they don’t necessarily need. But I like the book.
Even better than any book or seminar I’ve read is actually going down to a local mosque and hanging out with the muslims you find there. Go on a friday afternoon to watch them pray (if they allow you) and try and stay for lunch. This is they’re sabbath day, so a lot more muslims come this day at high noon to pray. Go there and make mistakes and ask stupid questions, you’ll get better and “offend” them less. And really I don’t think you’ll offend anyone if you come with a servants heart and not puffed up on your own agenda. Plus, those are the people who want to ask your questions to. They are muslims. Go straight to the source and learn about their religion, culture (sometimes differing within the same mosque in america because they’re not all from the same country), learn about their assimilation into American culture, etc. IF you come with a caring heart, they’ll let you into “their world”.
Carl Medearis has written several recent books on this topic. Very good at understanding the Arab mind, and presenting Jesus in a way that does not offend, Just search his name on Amazon.
I would also recommend Georges Houssney’s book: Encountering Islam as the best. A smaller book with a few practical tips is A Muslim’s Heart by Edward Hoskins.
But again, the best way is simply by befriending folks and observing their reactions to things you do & being honest about your faith. They will appreciate your honesty.
Christ Loves My Muslim Friend by Don Heckman He and his wife establish relationships with Muslims in Europe and N. Africa. They are based in Geneva. His email is for copies of his book.
Roland Muller wrote a superb book
Honor and Shame.
This is the best explanation I know of why Westerners find it difficult to understand Arab cultures based on honor and shame rather than our guilt based cultures. He also gives the biblical tools for presenting the Gospel. Had Bush and Rumsfeld read this book I wonder whether the mess of Iraq could have been avoided
Patrick, thanks for taking time to give input!
Since so many books are out there, perhaps someone should review them and come up with the top recommended ones. For your information, Roland Muller’s two books on the subject are:
– Understanding Islam
– The Messenger, the Message and the Community.
(The later includes Honor and Shame) Check the website: http// for comments from other missionaries.
I just read “True Jihad” a great little book by Mark Pfeiffer. Just released.
For a book I agree about G. Houssney’s book. I feel the materials I forwarded to you fit the bill: A Short History of Islam and Intro to Islam.