What is the best webpage you know that is an effective clear warning against human trafficking, and is directed at a Majority World reader? Tony, a frequent contributor to Brigada, is looking for a site that would include things to be suspicious of, questions to ask, warning signs. And, if you’ve been caught up in it, where to get help. If you know of such a website, please use the comment box below to let us know.
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I’m director of the Born2Fly Project to stop child trafficking. On my personal blog I frequently post warning signs, what to look for, what to do, etc. For example, a recent post has a video in Mandarin warning girls in China about the lures traffickers use to entice them. Another is on the danger of putting your kids pictures on Facebook and how it is not secure. The left-hand column has links to many resources, international hot-line numbers, etc. The blog is http://www.dianascimone.com
Our main site has free downloads of our Born2Fly anti-trafficking curriculum for kids and teens. They’re at http://www.born2fly.org. Just go to the registration page. Once we receive your registration (and make sure you’re not a trafficker yourself :-) ), we’ll process your registration asap and send you a password to download the materials.
Thank you to Brigada for writing about the Born2Fly Project a month or so ago, and to the many Brigada subscribers who’ve already registered to download our free materials.
Diana Scimone
The Born2Fly Project to stop child trafficking
http://www.dianascimone.com (blog)
We work with Trafficking orgs in Ohio – some of our best contacts are with the Polaris Project, the salvation Army – particularly “Central Ohio Rescue and Restore” and IJM internationally. The Nat’l hotline number is a proven way to reach trafficked persons.
Called to Rescue (http://www.calledtorescue.org/) is a non-profit worldwide organization dedicated to the rescuing of minor children from sex trafficking violence and abuse. They have excellent resources for taking action such as reporting abuse, prevention, rescue and restoration.
I’m on the mailing lists of
This is a Michigan project, but the information applies worldwide: http://www.michiganabolitionistproject.org/know-the-signs/