That was the question that a good friend of Brigada asked this past week. He wrote, “Jackie and I have learned contentment to the point that ‘gift giving’ has become a challenge. What can we buy or make that doesn’t add unwanted clutter to our home, or calories to our waist? If you face this same challenge, I’d be interested to know what ideas you have come up with.” I was wondering… could we ask for your input on this question? Just click “Comments” below. Write a message in the box. You can do so anonymously if you choose. You will not be put on a list. Your information will be guarded.
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If you are half-way decent at using a camera, a photo book is a great gift, especially if you have grand kids! And it won’t break the bank (unless you like it so much you want to buy a dozen of them). Certain online design templates make it easy and will give it a coffee-table look that will make it “priceless”.
We like to give gifts of experience. For our kids serving in the M.E., a day at an upscale hotel that has a playground for their toddler, a pool and a sauna and nice restaurant costs $50. A ticket for our daughter in the States to fly to another state and spend Christmas with her cousins. For a family get-together, we pay for a week-end in a cabin in the mountains where we can hike together. For here in West Africa, by the time we pay transport and a meal, a day trip to the beach costs $50. We prefer experiences instead of more things.
Instead of gifts, we volunteer, either on Christmas day or around that day to the local homeless shelter or rescue mission, and help serve the Christmas meal or do whatever they need done.
How about a gift of health? Vitamins or an annual gym pass are not exciting gifts but could be valuable to the right person.
Or how about a donation to Brigada or your favorite missions project on behalf of your giftee?
Wow, great idea! — we could even provide a certificate suitable for framing or something like that — so the recipient of the ‘gift’ would have something to open on Christmas day, too. :-) (Seriously)
Figure out the “love language” of the recipient, and give them something based on that. For example, my wife’s primary “love language” is quality time, so I could make her very happy by committing to set aside at least one night every week just for us. No clutter or calories, but it does require commitment!
My father, Clarence Otis Ashby, was a kind, hardworking dirt farmer who was very dedicated to his seven children. Each Christmas it is my pleasure to partner with a non-profit organization to purchase a goat in his honor to help another farmer provide for his family. He loved his animals very much and took special care of them.
I often ask people to make a donation to a favorite charity in my name instead of giving a gift.
Our family has taken to making donations to one of the many groups reaching out to the peoples of the world in honor of the one we wish to “gift”. We’ve used several different groups whose efforts seem to dovetail with our own concerns for the world. We do this primarily for the older generation, as the last thing we all need is more “stuff”! The gifts can be “tailored” to the interests of the recipient.
Hey Doug,
Missions Catalyst (The ezine that wants to be Brigada Today when it grows up!) this month ( features a couple of Christmas lists with cool things to buy, make and give, including the wonderful Dutch tradition of writing Christmas poems for friends.
The iertnnet offers an important opportunity for individuals who want to start their very own enterprise and earn a living online. There are a lot of benefits to creating an online business and the potential return is huge.