I continue to be impressed with the efforts by the folks behind…


They are seemingly *relentless* in the pursuit of raising up prayer for their beloved nation. In particular, they seem to have honed in on the concept of praying for a church-planting movement to sweep the nation. Prompted by the recent upheavals in Tunisia and neighboring lands in North African and the Middle East, the prayer campaign now has taken on a life of its own. My question isn’t whether or not God is hearing their passionate prayers. My question is — why aren’t we all picking up this kind of campaign for the nations/peoples we serve. There are bound to be numerous examples like this. If you know some/many, please click to the online version of this item (see link below), then click “Comment.” (Please use this approach rather than emailing us the link; it’s so much more efficient if you just take a moment to add it directly.) Thanks in advance for listing any prayer campaigns for regions, nations, and peoples.