Greg just accepted an assignment to teach world religions at a local university and is gathering resources. He would like to hear about favorite films, textbooks, simulations, etc. He plans to cover primal religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam. Obviously he cannot cover any religion in depth, so he is looking for overview type resources. Please submit your ideas by clicking on the word “Comment” below the online version of this item.
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Use Dean Halverson’s _Compact Guide to World Religions_. Used in many seminaries. Contact Dean at or 719-597-6703. And IV has some old short films on the world religions.
sign up to the resources section on this web site. There are many mp3 lectures on Islam for you to use,
The web site is has a wide and ever-growing selection.
I recommend Neighboring Faiths by Win Corduan if you want a text written from a Christian perspective. Each chapter ends with a section, “So you meet a ___ (such as Hindu/Muslim/Parsi)… with what to expect and how to relate the gospel. Each ch. also has a good bibliography on other resources for that religion. Corduan also wrote A Pocket Guide to World Religions which is also very good, but brief.
International Students Inc. (ISI) also has resources, some free, some for purchase:
Two books that I have found very helpful are:
“The Christian Faith and its Contemporary Rivals” by Richard B. Cunningham, published by Broadman. It would make an excellent text.
If you read Spanish, the other is “Otros Evangelios” by Pablo Hoff, published by Editorial Vida. It offers a developing-world perspective and explores some interesting sects that are prominent in Latin America but not well-known in the U.S.
Three texts I’ve found to be to good are:
The World’s Religions, Huston Smith
The World’s Wisdom, Philip Novak
Scriptures of the WOrld’s Religions, Fieser/Powers
The second two are translated primary sources.
I recommend Gerald R. McDermott “Can Evangelicals Learn From World Religions?” published 2000 by IVP Academic. It’ s an eye-opener. Clark Pinnock recommends it: “This book makes a solid contribution to the evangelical theology of religions.” And J. Begbie of Ridley Hall, U. of Cambridge says: “Evangelicals have been wary of engaging at any depth with faiths other than Christianity. Commitment to the ‘scandal of particularity’ has meant that many never consider what the revelatory value of non-Christian religions might be. Gerald McDermott provides a beautifully written, timely and much-needed contribution to a field where most angelic evangelicals fear to tread.”
An old classic that is an excellent reference book is “The Kingdom of the Cults” by Walter R Martin.
Check out the resources I use with my course:
I would recommend you look at our website
A Hindu Community: Committed to Hinduism
A Sikh Community: Committed to Sikhism
By SUTCLIFFE, Barry & Sylvia
Asian Religions By Hawkins, Bradley K
Faith and Commitment (Teachers Manual Book 1) By SUTCLIFFE, Barry
Faith and Commitment (Teachers Manual Book 2) By SUTCLIFFE, Sylvia & Barry
Festivals in World Religions
By Woodward, Peter (Ed.)
Hinduism in words and pictures
Islam in words and pictures
are just some examples
From Southern Baptists: is dedicated to apologetics and understanding world religions:
A brochure is very helpful:
Barriers & Bridges — covers 12 world religions
Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices By Peter Harvey
(hinduism) Death of a Guru By Dave Hunt
Hi. I taught a College level course on Islam. Have prepared a short history, guide, comparitive outlines for local church use. Not an expert, but would be well informed. Nothing inflamnatory, just let the facts speak for themselves. Also have PP. Anyone else reading this free to ask.