David Platt is the Preaching Minister of the Brook Hills Church in Birmingham, Alabama. His sermon series, “Radical,” was released as a book last year, along with lots of accompanying resources at…


and the Brook Hills website, …


At the latter site, you can listen to all 8 sermons (for free!) as he originally scripted them at the church in Birmingham. The bulletin inserts and accompanying home Bible study outlines are available at no charge as well.

His messages deal with the forthright condition of the lost, as prescribed by Paul in Romans 1-3. They also speak frankly about his questions regarding how serious we are about reaching them. If you dare to listen, be ready to be challenged about your Lexus, your iPod, your pet Labrador, and the ball games you’ve queued up for Saturday. I’m telling you — the guy is a meddler. :-) However, his book and his themes are getting major traction in churches all across our land. The 5 “Radical Experiment challenges” at the end of the book are providing a backdrop for churches and families to radically shift their thinking about use of spare time, funds, and futures. Even if you’re accustomed to this heavy thinking, it would do all of us well to become familiar with the paradigms as he describes them because the next church you visit just might have finished a series on Radical the week before you come. You’ll want to be informed. Order the book at any website or purchase it at any bookstore. It’s everywhere.

Do you have thoughts about “Radical?” Have you preached this material lately? How did it impact *your* audience? Just click “Comment” below to fill us in. Thanks in advance.