Year: 2010

7) Support Raising Training —

The BodyBuilders “Personal Support Raising Boot Camp” is a two day intense training for first-time support raisers and under-funded veterans. The goal: Getting you to 100% in 100 days! Learn more at…...

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9) Training to Become A Global Worker —

Don’t miss the Ekballo Equipping Conference, March 3-7 and 10-14 in Kansas City. There, Elijah Company will present four days of intensive missionary training. Formerly called Missionary Training Camp, this workshop will...

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10) The Father Loves China —

This is a set of multiple-user online tools to produce a small video project for each of the 490 minority language groups in China that will introduce them to God as their loving Heavenly Father with indigenous pictures,...

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11) Publish One-up Books While you Wait —

I’m not kidding. Take a look at… Believe it or not, they have the equivalent of a giant machine that receives your PDF, prints it, binds it, and spits it out the other side. A human has to...

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13) You Opportunity to Undergird Brigada —

Here’s your chance: Help sponsor an issue of Brigada Today. Our budget for 2010 is exactly the same as it has been for the past two years: $17,120. The 2009 total was $14,224.38. Although we didn’t make budget, but...

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15) Closing Stuff

Disclaimer — We can’t screen ‘em all. Please forgive us if a particular site contains offensive information — or no information at all! We try to visit them in advance, but often write “on the road” so we simply can’t preview...

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