kellyodonnell2.gifWe heard this past week from Kelly and Michèle O’Donnell, authors of several industry-defining books on member care. They had updated their site at…

dealing with the tough questions of, “How transparent should we be in our work and lives?” on the international weblog “Reflections and Resources for Good Practice.” The entries include definitions and applications of transparency in mission, personal stories from Dr. Kelly O’Donnell, and photos. They also highlight several core resources/links including quotes from Bennis et al’s amazing book Transformation: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor, a link to the Summary Report from Transparency International on Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Assistance, and a link to the ECFA’s suggested guidelines for dealing with misconduct and whistle blowing. They personally invited Brigada users in particular to peer into their souls, leave a comment, and join the interaction.